martes, 7 de junio de 2011

English Week

Tuesday 7th
Bungalow 9
Today, Tuesday, we did games in the beach. These are very funny. One of them are baseball. Nobody did a homerun. Then we went horse riding. It`s very amazing and incredible. The horses are very beautiful and crazy!!!
Álvaro Valentín, Carlos Bernal, Carlos Aroca and Iván Fdez. Muñoz

Bungalow 3
Today, in the morning we went to the beach to play baseball and other games. Later we went to the swimming pool. In the afternoon we went horse riding and orienation (games) and in the evening we are going to the "disco".
Celia Valentín, Andrea Huguet, Laura Gómez, Laura Martínez, Silvia Sánchez, Inma Pérez

1 comentario:

Catherine dijo...

Thanks for the photos, everything looks fun and nice. Enjoy disco tonight... and speak a lot English !!!